Adventure Travel Photos of New Zealand

This site contains photos and commentary of a three week long trip through New Zealand in November of 2002. There's a lot to see and do in New Zealand and there was much more to see and do than shown on these pages. But this site will give you a flavor of this great country. There are photos of the Tongariro Crossing, the Lake Taupo area, Franz Josef Glacier, Milford Sound, Maori marae, and New Zealand wildlife including the rare Kiwis, fur seals, and Yellow-Eyed Penguins. Also included are many photos of the scenery in New Zealand, which is often quite beautiful. We hope you enjoy these photos of New Zealand.

To navigate this site, please use the links at the top of the page. Or if you'd rather, you can step page by page through the site by using the link at the bottom of each page.

There's also a written Travelogue that describes this trip through New Zealand. Thanks and enjoy the sites!

An ice cave in the Franz Josef Glacier

If you're interested, you can see photos and travel stories of other countries at World Photos.

This site began on November 28, 2002 and you are visitor number:

Next Page - Tongariro Crossing