Photos of New Zealand

Photos of various places in New Zealand

New Zealand consists of two large islands. We're slowly making our way south.
Here's a shot of the Whanganui River.
The ferry crossing from Wellington on the north island to Picton on the south is beautiful. There are many beautiful forested islands that dot the waters, sometimes rising steeply from the ocean. And the shores of both islands are a maze of coves and bays. The day I made the crossing was misty, adding a different element to this beautiful area.
Here's a shot of Karaka Point just east of Picton.
This is some of the forest near Karamea, on the northeast coast of the south island. There is lush greenery almost everywhere in New Zealand.
This is the Buller River. The New Zealanders try to turn anything that is the slightest bit noteworthy into a tourist attraction. The appeal here is that the river has the longest swing bridge in New Zealand.
Here's the swing bridge. If I remember correctly, it is over 100 meters long. It's a pretty good sized river.

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